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Grêmio FBPA vs. SC Internacional

Grêmio FBPA vs. SC Internacional Ganzes Spiel

Campeonato Gaúcho 2025

Von joaovmartinelli0 Kommentare17 AufrufePortugiesisch

ADM Footballia: I ended up uploading three files, the first one is the full game in a single video, but I managed to get the two separate game halves in a better quality and uploaded them too, so it would be necessary to delete the first video. Goal times: Goal 1 00:29:10 and Goal 2: 00:31:50 ///// Grêmio's coach is Quinteros, but the one who stayed on the field during the game was assistant Leandro Desábato, as Quinteros was serving a suspension.

Dieses Spiel ist in 2 Dateien unterteilt. Lassen Sie das erste Video bis zum Ende abspielen, ohne es anzuhalten, und das folgende Video beginnt automatisch.
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Final, 1º jogo
Arena do Grêmio (Porto Alegre)
8. März 2025

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