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Video quality is pretty good , tv productions are the high standards of the era although they tend to abuse of showing replays in the second half.
On the Burgos side it was a miserable team that would end last by winning only 4 games go through three head coaches and would actually fold one year later. So very few players of this side have a memorable career . Nonetheless let's mention vetran Romanian international Gavril Pele Balint who was in the sinset of his career and Loren who would leave the team and play for numerous seasons with Real Sociedad playing more than 500 games.
This is the first game at Bernabeu of the Floro era , not exactly a year that their supporters will remember with fondness still this was an excellent side featuring the likes of Ivan Zamorano who just joined the club, he would score 37 goals in 45 games that year. Other Real stellars that are featured in the match are of course the brilliant Fernando Hierro and Michel who was slowly getting into the twilight of his career. And for last let's mention a futur vilain in Luis Enrique.