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Serbia & Montenegro vs. Iran

Serbia & Montenegro vs. Iran match complet

World Cup 1998

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World Cup 1998
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Group stage, matchday 1
Geoffroy Guichard (Saint-Étienne)
14 juin 1998

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  1. etiennepasquier dimanche 28 mars 2021 05h32

    Looks like a broadcast from the 1950's but in color :o ...hopefully s.o. will contribute a better version :)

  2. prolifik lundi 01 février 2021 02h15

    The number of commercials interrupting this broadcast is outrageous.

  3. sainte67 samedi 18 avril 2020 14h09

    Un peu d'emballement dans le dernier quart d'heure, sinon quelle tristesse...

  4. Bokassa vendredi 17 avril 2020 16h17

    In 1998 the name of the country was most definitely Yugoslavia. Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Macedonia had seceded from Yugoslavia by that time, but the legal entity (in the form of the two remaining republics) was still there under the name Savezna republika Jugoslavija - SR Yugoslavia. You may check it on the Internet and all documents from that time. It became Serbia and Montenegro in 2003 and under that name they participated in 2006 World cup.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia vendredi 17 avril 2020 18h54

    The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1992 until 2003. The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were the same country, which had two different names. We can't have two entries for the same team, and therefore we use the latest name the country had. If the country still existed today, we'd be using its current name, regardless of the name it had in past periods.

  6. wilnam10 vendredi 12 avril 2019 21h40

    Yugoslavia, not Serbia&Montenegro.

  7. Footballia
    Footballia vendredi 12 avril 2019 22h21

    Under the name of Yugoslavia, we have the Socialist Republich of Yugoslavia, which was a different country. The country in this match was Serbia and Montenegro, known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1992 and 2004.

  8. Footballomania
    Footballomania mardi 24 mars 2020 01h17

    @Footballia You are not right. In 1998,FR Yugoslavia participated in World Cup,not Serbia and Montenegro.The official name of that state was FR Yugoslavia! If you have two Yugoslavia,you have to name first Yugoslavia as SFR Yugoslavia before 1992,and second Yugoslavia as FR Yugoslavia between 1992 and 2003! Serbia and Montenegro excisted only 3 years,between 2003 and 2006.So it will be very nice from you to name country in 1998 as real name FR Yugoslavia.Your channel is gret.Thanks.

  9. Footballia
    Footballia vendredi 17 avril 2020 18h53

    The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro was known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from its creation in 1992 until 2003. The State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia were the same country, which had two different names. We can't have two entries for the same team, and therefore we use the latest name the country had. If the country still existed today, we'd be using its current name, regardless of the name it had in past periods.

  10. Mohammad mardi 17 avril 2018 11h52

    i love iran