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Sausalito (Viña del Mar)
10. Lipanj 1962.
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  1. CHUCHUS12 14. Svibanj 2021. 02:39

    Que lindo ver a esta selección bicampeona definitivamente ningún país estaba cerca de ellos técnicamente una locura .. Jogo bonito

  2. TheoShibasnu101 18. Travanj 2021. 01:49


  3. xrthursantos 30. Ožujak 2021. 00:13

    Garrincha é muito desvalorizado. A atuação dele na Copa de 62 é, sem dúvidas, uma das 3 maiores atuações individuais de um jogador na história do torneio.

  4. Mauro Alegretti 1. Ožujak 2021. 02:51

    Garrincha, Nilton Santos e Didi foram os melhores em campo por Brasil.

  5. TheoShibasnu101
    TheoShibasnu101 18. Travanj 2021. 01:43


  6. Jungles 27. Prosinac 2020. 00:55

    Que delícia ver o Brasil jogar, Didi e Garrincha voando

  7. dragonmanya 22. Prosinac 2020. 21:21

    This is a strong candidate for the worst ever footage. Just stupid work by the cameraman.

  8. Gustavolopez 8. Rujan 2020. 22:23


  9. Juanzino 5. Rujan 2020. 05:14

    Qué lindo cómo jugaba Didí.

  10. King Arthur USA 3. Rujan 2020. 04:00

    Brazil class. Charlton looked wasteful with the ball.

  11. gonzalobusta 6. Srpanj 2020. 00:29

    Merecido resultado. Garrincha mostrando otra faceta de su juego.

  12. otalibas 16. Svibanj 2020. 01:56

    "A primeira transmissão de uma partida de futebol no Brasil só viria a acontecer quase 19 anos depois do histório Itália 2x2 de 1936, já que, segundo o “Guia dos Curiosos”, de Marcelo Duarte, o primeiro jogo exibido ao vivo no país aconteceu em 18 de setembro de 1955, no aniversário de cinco anos da TV no Brasil. O clássico Santos 3 x 1 Palmeiras, na Vila Belmiro, foi transmitido pela Record.[10] Nesta época, quase todos os programas eram feitos ao vivo por falta de tecnologia. A Globo transmitiu seu primeiro jogo em 1965 (um amistoso realizado no Maracanã entre Brasil e União Soviética, em 21 de novembro de 1965, que terminou em empate de dois a dois). Sob o comando do jornalista Teixeira Heizer, a Globo conseguiu transmitir a partida apenas duas horas depois de sua realização. O jogo Brasil x União Soviética terminou às 18h. Às 20h, a partida foi transmitida para todo país. Conforme destacou Régis Rösing, a solução encontrada por Heizer foi gravar a partida em filmes, em partes, e mandar os rolos para a emissora para montá-los rapidamente. O jornalista fez a narração por cima das imagens já editadas.[11]" se passavam alguns jogos especiais na tv ao vivo... sem criar filme por isso nao se tem tanto material oficial das emissoras da epoca em arquivo... mas alguns gols e lances mais emblematicos que eles davam a sorte de fazer filme.aprendendo juntos

  13. otalibas 13. Svibanj 2020. 23:21

    hello tell me footballia what happened to the footage of world cup 58?... and the rest of 62?... was all the games recorded on movie at least? i know they were not transmited live till 70 but they actually have filmed matches during the 50's right? why is so dificult to find footage of real madrid or barcelona from the 50's or even the magyares of hungary...the people that filmed did not preserve the film? or was the kind of film that vanished after few years so most of hte material was lost due to decay and effect of time? resume... there are evidences of soccer games being filmed during the 50's but the full material is nowhere to be found... games like the real madrid 50 year anniversary or the inter cities fair that barcelona won...or champions league won by madrid 55 56 57 58 59 all those matches that are listed have been filmed somehow because there are images of lapses of the game as di stefano in the millionarios against real madrid or kubala pieces of goals during 50 inter cities fair cup if u know something please tell

  14. Footballia
    Footballia 14. Svibanj 2020. 10:25

    We can't know for sure what happened, we weren't there. We can only make an educated guess. The evidence that you mention doesn't mean the matches were filmed in full. Most times only a few minutes were recorded for highlights reels to be shown in cinemas. To get a full copy of a match, they it must have been broadcast on tv, and in the 1950s very few matches were. As a matter of fact, in some countries there were hardly any tv sets.

  15. Pippa 9. Listopad 2019. 18:58

    What was Bobby Moore doing on the pitch he was the wost player, how did he get the England captains job, oh of course he was bonde blue eyed and from London, one of the most overated players, and I am not a Millwall or Leeds fan,

  16. King Arthur USA
    King Arthur USA 3. Rujan 2020. 04:06

    Tony Kaye Everton captain was they say the best player He unfortunately was in S betting scandal yet he was MSN of the match. I was told he was very good. Ray Wilson a tough left back. Charlton gave the Ball away too many times

  17. King Arthur USA
    King Arthur USA 3. Rujan 2020. 04:06

    Tony Kaye Everton captain was they say the best player He unfortunately was in S betting scandal yet he was MSN of the match. I was told he was very good. Ray Wilson a tough left back. Charlton gave the Ball away too many times

  18. pistaman 4. Svibanj 2019. 02:27

    Cachorro invadindo o campo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  19. 17. Studeni 2018. 14:42

    Match is not full 90 minutes

  20. Footballia
    Footballia 17. Studeni 2018. 14:44

    It's all that's been preserved.

  21. sesve 16. Ožujak 2018. 10:39

    Solid match, video a bit too bright so you cant see clearly players or ball at some times, and audio is 1-2 seconds faster than the video, so the commentator and the crowd kind of spoils it. But what can you do, it's almost 60 yrs old footage.

  22. Footballia
    Footballia 17. Studeni 2018. 15:22

    We've now fixed the audio delay.