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CR Vasco da Gama vs. River Plate

CR Vasco da Gama vs. River Plate cijela utakmica

Copa Libertadores 1998

Prenio korisnik: Pelz0 Komentara2944 PogledaPortugalski

For the first time in almost 100 years, Vasco da Gama reached the semi-finals of the Libertadores. The Vascão of Mauro Galvão, Felipe, Pedrinho, Ramon, Donizete Pantera and Luizão featured the return of Carlos Germano from the 1998 WC. The Cruzmaltino would face the powerful River Plate, who had 6 1998 World Cup players (Burgos, Berti - not playing, Gallardo, Juan Pablo Ángel, Celso Ayala and Sarabia). Future Argentinian legend Sorín was improvised in Berti's spot as a midfielder. Ramón Díaz's River was excited with the newly signed striker Pizzi, a member of Spain's 1998 WC National Team and former Barcelona player. The Millonarios would put its top Libertadores goalscorer with 7 goals (Ángel) on the bench, so Pizzi could start this match.

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Semi-final, 1st leg
São Januário (Rio de Janeiro)
16. Srpanj 1998.

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