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England vs. Portugal

England vs. Portugal cijela utakmica

World Cup 2006

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 2006
Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 3 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
Arena aufSchalke (Gelsenkirchen)
1. Srpanj 2006.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. carlos 3. Travanj 2021. 20:58

    Que emocionante partido Wayne Rooney vs Cristiano Ronaldo

  2. Shelter 15. Veljača 2021. 10:46

    Ricardo heroe del partido parando 3 penaltys.No recuerdo eso en un mundial,salvo a Portugal de la eliminacion.

  3. AlejoVargasG7 28. Siječanj 2021. 05:54

    Cristiano Ronaldo, el mejor jugador de todos los tiempos cobrando el penalti definitivo del partido.

  4. Varandasout 12. Siječanj 2021. 16:39

    ricardo with a brilliant performance once again agains england

  5. mbez 14. Listopad 2020. 21:35

    not in arabic

  6. Crack 25. Travanj 2020. 05:19

    American commentators know nothing about the sport. Was funny to hear their comments

  7. rlp152
    rlp152 2. Svibanj 2020. 12:49

    I`m agree with you

  8. Ulleh 29. Ožujak 2020. 13:18

    Lampard and Rooney cost is the semi finals

  9. RunRaj 27. Lipanj 2019. 09:27

    Not in english?

  10. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Lipanj 2019. 09:31

    This is the only copy we have.

  11. RunRaj
    RunRaj 27. Lipanj 2019. 09:32

    Okay, thanks for the quick reply! But nice work man! Really appreciate it.

  12. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Lipanj 2019. 09:44

    Thank you! That's very kind of you!

  13. RunRaj
    RunRaj 27. Lipanj 2019. 09:45

    You might wanna check this link: Thanks, me later!

  14. Footballia
    Footballia 27. Lipanj 2019. 11:33

    Thank you!

  15. rahmanahmadi 19. Ožujak 2019. 13:16

    Quality 360p - Quality 480p not in the videos??

  16. Footballia
    Footballia 19. Ožujak 2019. 13:37

    We'd love to have perfect copies of all the matches. Unfortunately, though, that's not always possible. In this case this is what's available.

  17. Alejoespejo96 18. Siječanj 2019. 20:23

    Deberian poner el partido en ingles o en portugues..

  18. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Siječanj 2019. 20:44

    Sería lo ideal, ¡ojalá alguien nos facilitara una copia de buena calidad en una de esas lenguas!

  19. Lee Dong Hoon 2. Rujan 2018. 12:07

    How can I watch the second part? Where is the little arrow? I couldn’t find it

  20. Footballia
    Footballia 2. Rujan 2018. 12:16

    When you play the video, there's a time bar at the bottom. On the left there's a play sign, and right next to it are the arrows. In any case, if you play file 1 to the end, file 2 starts automatically.

  21. Lee Dong Hoon
    Lee Dong Hoon 2. Rujan 2018. 12:25

    oh!! now I found it thank u so much!!

  22. vitorius 14. Travanj 2018. 13:08

    this is not in english,how can you watch this!!!!!!

  23. Footballia
    Footballia 2. Rujan 2018. 12:14

    Just click play.

  24. Footballia user 9. Rujan 2016. 15:26

    Missing penalty part

  25. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Rujan 2016. 17:36

    It's not missing, the match is in 2 files. Let it play out or switch between files with the little arrows.