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Germany vs. Scotland

Germany vs. Scotland cijela utakmica

World Cup 1986

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1986
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Group stage, matchday 2
La Corregidora (Querétaro)
8. Lipanj 1986.
x 1234511 glasova

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  1. Soli 14. Svibanj 2021. 05:11

    Good open game won by Germany 2 - 1. It should have been a 1-1 draw because the second German goal was clearly proceeded by an obvious foul on a Scottish defender, making him fumble the ball and allow the second German goal to be set up. Unlucky Scotland.

  2. sainte67 9. Travanj 2020. 14:54

    Ils aimaient l'hymne allemand au Mexique (2 fois !) et manque de son en début de deuxième mi-temps.

  3. Mauro Alegretti 8. Studeni 2019. 14:42

    The best of the match: Völler (Ger).