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Manchester United vs. AS Roma

Manchester United vs. AS Roma cijela utakmica

Champions League 2007-2008

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Quarter-finals, 2nd leg
Old Trafford (Manchester)
9. Travanj 2008.

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  1. FinzM 15. Ožujak 2020. 08:33

    Theres no audio

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 15. Ožujak 2020. 08:34

    Yes, there is. Please make sure your browser is fully updated. Or else try a different browser.

  3. LeoCruijff14 10. Lipanj 2018. 16:11

    Fix both the files and the audio doesn’t work.

  4. Footballia
    Footballia 10. Lipanj 2018. 18:26

    What do you mean? The audio is working fine.

  5. LeoCruijff14
    LeoCruijff14 11. Lipanj 2018. 02:53

    At least fix the files

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 11. Lipanj 2018. 05:19

    Whats is there to fix? We saw nothing wrong with the files.