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Manchester United vs. RB Leipzig

Manchester United vs. RB Leipzig cijela utakmica

Champions League 2020-2021

Ova je utakmica podijeljena u 2 datoteke. Neka se prvi video reprodukuje do kraja bez zaustavljanja, a sljedeći će se pokrenuti automatski.
Group stage, matchday 2
Old Trafford (Manchester)
28. Listopad 2020.
Prikaži rezultat5 : 0

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  1. Rudi 2. Prosinac 2020. 00:23

    No full match!!!! This video just half time !!!

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Prosinac 2020. 13:19

    It is the full match. Please read the yellow message further above, where it says the match is divided in 2 files.

  3. Aro 27. Studeni 2020. 16:09

    Rashford <3

  4. Morris 31. Listopad 2020. 21:58

    This is matchday 2.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 7. Studeni 2020. 12:04

    Thank you for pointing out the mistake.

  6. Tzip 29. Listopad 2020. 02:26

    Pls upload