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Netherlands vs. Egypt

Netherlands vs. Egypt cijela utakmica

World Cup 1990

Cijelo natjecanje
World Cup 1990
Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Group stage, matchday 1
La Favorita (Palermo)
12. Lipanj 1990.

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  1. Reefa 25. Travanj 2020. 14:29

    But thank you for having this game . I could not find it anywhere . Picture quality is very good too ! This is the Italia 90 game where Egypt played very well against Holland who were the reigning European champions

  2. Reefa 25. Travanj 2020. 12:53

    Great memories ! Although the BBC commentary match would have been nice one for this

  3. Footballia
    Footballia 25. Travanj 2020. 13:03

    Please check our FAQs section regarding the language of the matches.

  4. redblackandwhite 10. Travanj 2019. 04:16

    absolutely epic to watch this, thank you.

  5. Footballia
    Footballia 10. Travanj 2019. 08:03
