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Real Madrid vs. Atlético de Madrid

Real Madrid vs. Atlético de Madrid cijela utakmica

Champions League 2016-2017

Novo!Pogledajte golove utakmice prikazom rezultata u odjeljku s postavama.
Semi-final, 1st leg
Santiago Bernabéu (Madrid)
2. Svibanj 2017.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. AlejoVargasG7 6. Lipanj 2021. 06:27


  2. candy cough 18. Siječanj 2021. 18:04

    how to change language to English...and can we adjust the video quality??

  3. Anirban 18. Svibanj 2020. 11:18

    The atmosphere of Bernabeu never fails to amaze.

  4. Edson 2. Svibanj 2020. 14:38


  5. marklin 5. Travanj 2020. 21:27

    Es cierto lo que dice ALEX C, me pasa lo mismo con la carga de los partidos cuando antes no pasaba

  6. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 10:59

    Te rogamos lo mismo que a él.

  7. Alex C 5. Travanj 2020. 21:18

    Por que cuesta tanto que cargue el partido la señal de mi internet es rapida, antes no me pasaba esto no se xq ahora si.

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 6. Travanj 2020. 10:58

    Por favor, consulta la sección FAQs respecto a los problemas derivados de la cuarentena.

  9. Humblenton 25. Ožujak 2020. 20:28

    Do you have a license to upload full match replays or something? I am just curious because every other site gets copyrighted. Just wondering not trying to be mean lool.

  10. Footballia
    Footballia 26. Ožujak 2020. 23:55

    You'll understand we can't discuss our legal strategy with the public.

  11. Sonu 24. Ožujak 2020. 06:22

    Fair point. If you can have English commentary also, can't you upload both. Bdw thanks for this amazing website.

  12. Footballia
    Footballia 24. Ožujak 2020. 09:45

    Thank you. Unfortunately we can't. If we had duplicated o triplicated, etc matches, the storing costs would make this project unviable.

  13. Sonu 23. Ožujak 2020. 10:39

    Can you upload champions league matches with English commentary please?

  14. Footballia
    Footballia 23. Ožujak 2020. 19:29

    Sometimes, though rarely, we get the luxury of choice, and we can choose between a couple of languages to publish a match. In those cases, we’ll always choose the language of the local fans of the winning team. Bear in mind that we get visits from all over the world, and everyone has the right to enjoy their favourite team’s historic moments in their own language.

  15. feriolindo 31. Siječanj 2020. 12:37

    en los ultimos años el atleti en liga y copas españolas le ha hecho la vida imposible al madrid con su presion alta y sus contraataques pero en la champions el madrid se ha comido con patatas al atletico

  16. Raul 9. Kolovoz 2019. 23:10

    Tuve la suerte de vivir este partido en directo en el bernabeu y fue espectacular el ambiente y todo el dia en general, llevaba tiempo intentando poder volver a ver este partido otra vez, muchas gracias por todos estos partidos en diferido, es espectacular

  17. Raul 9. Kolovoz 2019. 23:07

    Enorme el madrid, enorme Cristiano, enorme el bernabeu, partidazo!