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Cijelo natjecanje
Euro 92
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Euro 1992
Group stage, matchday 3
Idrottsparken (Norrköping)
18. Lipanj 1992.
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. fefoot 30. Lipanj 2020. 11:17

    Justo com o adversário mais fraco, a C.E.I. apanhou por um placar elástico. O curioso é que o time teve muitas oportunidades e não marcou. Num contra-ataque a Escócia conseguiu um pênalti e matou o jogo.

  2. joseangel 11. Travanj 2017. 14:19

    It is not full recorded, there are some missed parts. This is a historical match, due to it was the last USSR match (although the silly name here was CIS). Probably, CIS played their best match of the tournament, not having won either. The 5 defenders system was ridiculous, against a team who was weaker in some point. According to Scotland, well done for them. Two long shots were enough to earn 2 points and match, but not enough to pass to semi-finals.