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Sepahan FC vs. Al-Ittihad Club

Sepahan FC vs. Al-Ittihad Club cijela utakmica

Asian Champions League 2016

Prenio korisnik: Satori1 Komentara1451 PogledaNema komentatora
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Group stage, matchday 6
Sultan Qaboos Sports Complex (Oman)
4. Svibanj 2016.
x 123452 glasova

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  1. bdot187um 2. Srpanj 2019. 21:22

    hello am a huge fan of al ittihad football club could guys upload there matches from the AFC champions league 2004 and 2005 and the 2005 fifa world cup matches and last but not least there final in the saudi league in 2007 against al hillal which it ended in 2-1 score for al ittihad and thank you. " preferably in Arabic or English commentary"

  2. Footballia
    Footballia 3. Srpanj 2019. 07:06

    Unfortunately we don't have any of those matches at the moment.