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Tottenham Hotspur vs. Bayern München

Tottenham Hotspur vs. Bayern München cijela utakmica

Champions League 2019-2020

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Group stage, matchday 2
Tottenham Hotspur Stadium (London)
1. Listopad 2019.
x 1234530 glasova
Home formation
Away formation
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  1. Yung Speculator 25. Svibanj 2021. 20:08

    Spurs were clueless! Mia San Mia! A modern day classic

  2. Luxz 29. Listopad 2020. 20:20

    Hola soy de Perú y quisiera poder ver los partidos internacionales en idioma español.

  3. Samir 14. Rujan 2020. 14:14

    Need the English version... Most of the people prefer English!!!!

  4. ARCO98 7. Rujan 2020. 05:59

    No se puede poner en varios idiomas?

  5. Arkan 3. Rujan 2020. 06:26

    glad to be here again, just have one question, is it possiable, maybe in future, to add quality setting were i can put at 1080p?, i'm not saying that the quality now is bad, but i love to watch at 1080p, thanks n welcome back

  6. N98 31. Svibanj 2020. 12:06

    Can you make another version with the english commentary

  7. haj på daj 16. Svibanj 2020. 10:02

    hello, I have 2 questions can I watch live games. And how long does it take you to get games on this site

  8. Footballia
    Footballia 16. Svibanj 2020. 11:10

    This is a historic archive. It's not a replay website to watch yesterday's match. We never show live matches. We only offer matches that are at least one month old.

  9. Foucauld 7. Travanj 2020. 20:44

    I don't have sound

  10. Footballia
    Footballia 8. Travanj 2020. 13:13

    Is your browser fully updated?

  11. Foucauld
    Foucauld 8. Travanj 2020. 16:19

    Yes and y tried on my phone and my computer

  12. Foucauld
    Foucauld 8. Travanj 2020. 16:20

    And that does not work

  13. Footballia
    Footballia 9. Travanj 2020. 12:05

    We've re-encoded the sound. We hope that will take care of the problem.

  14. Vulkahn 17. Ožujak 2020. 19:09

    The sound does not work.

  15. Footballia
    Footballia 17. Ožujak 2020. 20:23

    The sound is fine. Please make sure your browser is fully updated or else try a different browser.

  16. CallMeDom 22. Veljača 2020. 11:43

    It's not working

  17. Footballia
    Footballia 22. Veljača 2020. 14:13

    We're looking into it.

  18. Manu 3. Listopad 2019. 09:56

    Te lo advierto jajaja

  19. Manu 3. Listopad 2019. 09:55

    Inglés no porfa

  20. Footballia
    Footballia 3. Listopad 2019. 09:57

    No lo hemos podido encontrar en alemán, así que el inglés es el otro idioma que tiene más sentido.

  21. DT23
    DT23 17. Listopad 2019. 02:07

    Link german commentary is here:!82YGHACI!pA9tz1xgczKRMNoIPKjZzorbcPUuI3fiHHnA3vE1jt0

  22. Footballia
    Footballia 18. Listopad 2019. 00:04

    Thank you!

  23. Footballia
    Footballia 3. Studeni 2019. 19:20

    We finally found the time to replace the English version with the German one, thanks!