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CR Flamengo vs. Americano FC

CR Flamengo vs. Americano FC partita completa

Campeonato Carioca 1981

Da Pelz0 Commenti2229 visualizzazioniPortoghese

Americano came to this match very confident after a draw with Fluminense. The players and the head coach (Flamengo legend and former captain in the 1960s, Paulo Henrique, with over 400 matches played and started 2 matches in the 1966 WC) were hoping that they could stop the Flamengo of Zico, Júnior, Andrade, Adílio and Nunes at Maracanã as well.

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1º turno - Rodada 4
Maracanã (Rio de Janeiro)
03 giugno 1981

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